Qin Ming, a master of mecha deception, is recruited by the puzzle-solving expert Bai Qi to join the prestigious Jinwu Guard, serving as a firefighter in the Fire Protection Division. During the investigation of a mysterious thunder and fire case, Qin Ming encounters Jing Yifei, the renowned “first sister” of the Bingma Division. Together, the trio forms an elite detective team. As they delve deeper into their investigation, they must navigate through layers of enigma and danger. Along the way, they uncover hidden truths about their own pasts and the profound responsibilities and significance of their roles as Jinwu Guards. “Wind Rises in Jinling” is a riveting tale of intrigue, teamwork, and the relentless pursuit of justice. Join Qin Ming, Bai Qi, and Jing Yifei as they forge an unbreakable bond and rise to the challenge of protecting their city from the shadows that threaten to engulf it. Watch online full : 金吾卫之风起金陵 – Wind rises in Jinling – Jinwu wei zhi feng qi jinling – chinese anime, donghua 2024 on anime4i.com
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