It Starts With A Mountain” follows the extraordinary adventure of Cheng Dalei, an ordinary college student who unexpectedly finds himself transported to the ancient world of “Dawu.” Armed with nothing but his “modern wisdom” and a determined spirit, Cheng Dalei sets out to carve a new life for himself amidst the rugged mountains. Upon arriving, he claims a small area and establishes a camp, soon recruiting a diverse array of talented individuals to join him. Together, they develop and expand Toad Village, transforming it into a thriving community. Through ingenuity and resilience, Cheng Dalei navigates numerous challenges, resolves conflicts, and ensures that his villagers live in peace and prosperity.”It Starts With A Mountain” is a captivating story of innovation, leadership, and the power of community. Witness Cheng Dalei as he rises from a mere college student to a respected leader, using his modern knowledge to shape a better future for all. Join him on this inspiring journey of growth, camaraderie, and the quest for a harmonious life in an ancient world. Watch online full : 开局一座山 第2季 , It Starts With A Mountain Season 2, Kaiju Yi Zuo Shan 2nd Season – chinese anime, donghua 2024 on
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